

The specialization in dentistry today is of great importance for the general dentist because of the speed in the evolution of technology.
Especially in implantology the requirements of a patient for quality and safety are very high and teamwork is of great importance.
The implantologist is not necessarily the surgeon for the placement of dental implants.
He assumes prosthetics and completes the implantological cases in collaboration with the oral surgeon.

Our dental clinic cooperates with several dentists and dental centers offering surgical services.
This cooperation requires mutual trust where success based on.
Patients that come to our clinic on the recommendation of a partner after the surgical procedure, return to the referring doctor for the sequel.

To colleagues who are interested in cooperation in implantology we offer special training.

You can send us radiographs of a case through the communication port in order to look at a treatment plan together.

Many thanks to all my fellow associates for our excellent cooperation.